Dean Liprini asks “Who interacted with these stone sites & why?”

Prehistoric sacred sites around Southern Africa follow a light grid pattern of placement & design. Dean Liprini has spent 20 years researching these sacred sunpath sites of Southern Africa, in particular the hundreds of sites dotted around Table Mountain, Cape Town.
He has compiled a thesis and his Book published in 2006 and the DVD: “Pathways of the Sun – unveiling the mysteries of Table Mountain & beyond” bring together many fields of enquiry: archaeology, astronomy, geology and mythology. Dean has also researched the metaphysical aspects; the earth energies and healing potential of these sacred sites. Although having utilized the research and study facilities available, he has worked independently due to the fact that this subject, in particular “archeoastronomy”, as this is such a new scientific field of research.
He is in the process of changing these perceptions and has established the Not for Profit Organisation (NPO) “Sacred Sites Foundation of Southern Africa” (SSFSA) – which will bring together academic patrons from the fields of Geology, Archaeology & Astronomy to research & discover more about these very important prehistoric sites.
Recently Dean has gained support from academics abroad in the UK and USA and his work is hosted in an interactive museum The Wisdom of the Ancients in Wales.